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About Us

My name is Kelly.  I have been a licensed family home provider in Washington State since 1998.  I have a degree in Psychology with an emphasis on infant and child development.  Previously, I worked in the infant room at a childcare center in Salt Lake City until the birth of my first child.  My husband Robert is my assistant. Our daughter, Katy, 24, lives in her own house now.  Our sons Jacob, 21, Brady, 19, and Johnny, 16 live with us and are available to help out as needed.


I believe that young children learn best through play.  There are many things that are learned through playing and experimenting that would not be learned in a more structured environment such as self control, taking turns, empathy for others, making friends… While the emphasis of our program is on play, we do still follow somewhat of a structure throughout the day because I also believe that following routines is very comforting to young children and allows them to explore and learn at their own pace.

Typical Daily Activity Schedule

Schedule and activities will vary with the interests and ages of children in care.


6:30 am   Opening Time

6:30-8:00 Sleep and /or Free Play

8:00-8:30 Breakfast

8:30-9:45 Free Play

9:45-10:00 Cleanup/Wash hands

10:00-10:15 Morning Snack

10:15-10:45 Arts and Crafts

10:45-11:00 Cleanup

11:00-11:45 Outdoor Play (weather permitting)

11:45-12:00 Wash hands for lunch

12:00-12:30 Lunch

12:30-3:00 Nap Time/Quiet activities

3:00-3:30 Music 

3:30-3:45 Afternoon Snack

3:45-5:00 Free Play

6:00-6:30 Dinner

8:00-8:15 Evening Snack


*FREE PLAY is the time when imagination, small/large motor skills, and social skills are nurtured through play. This is the time children basically do whatever they want, choosing from a variety of toys, games, puzzles, books, and other things. They will be encouraged to think for themselves, stimulate their imagination, and develop their social skills (sharing, playing together, etc).

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